The Advanced Guide to back-end Development in 2023
27 Jan 2023


Back-end development is a broad term that encompasses all of the work done by web developers to build and maintain the back-end of a website or application. This includes everything from building databases to writing code that runs on servers, as well as testing your code before deploying it live.

What is back-end development?

Back-end developers are those who work on the server side of a website or application. They write code that runs directly on server hardware and does not need to be hosted by an outside party such as Google or Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Front-end developers, on the other hand, create web pages that display information to users. This can include everything from simple design elements like fonts and colors through complex user interfaces like shopping carts or social media profiles. Front end is also sometimes referred to as “user interface” or UI because it interacts with users in order to provide them with information they want about themselves or their products/services offered online

An example of a back-end stack

Let’s take a look at an example of a back-end stack:


  • Apache HTTP server, version 2.2.34 (PHP 5.6), with mod_rewrite enabled;
  • PHP 7.1;
  • MySQL 5.7 with Galera Cluster support

What does a back-end developer do?

A back-end developer is responsible for building the server for your app. They work with the database and server to create a secure environment where your data can be stored, manipulated and accessed by other developers on your team.

They’re also responsible for creating logic in the backend that makes up most of an app (the front end is usually written by someone else). This means they have intimate knowledge of every part of an application: from how it works at its most basic level to what happens when users interact with it.

Alongside creating this logic, they’re also responsible for ensuring security and scalability—things like making sure nothing gets hacked into or overloaded so everything runs smoothly throughout its life cycle (from conception through launch).

Web development languages and frameworks

There are several web development languages and frameworks that you can use to build your back-end. PHP is the most popular of these, but JavaScript, Python and Ruby are also used in web development. Below we discuss each language in detail:

  • PHP: This is a programming language that allows you to create websites by connecting server-side code with front-end code (HTML). PHP was originally developed by Rasmus Lerdorf as a safer alternative to JavaScript. Today it’s widely used for creating content management systems (CMS), website CMS platforms such as WordPress or Joomla!; ecommerce sites; custom portals for businesses; etc.. There are many free and commercial packages available for this language including Laravel by Taylor Otwell & Composer by Mattia Astorino & Eduardo Zylberberg – both of which have been recommended here before! However if you want something more customised there are plenty more options available online too like CodeIgniter which provides full access control over all aspects of your project’s security including authentication methods like API keys or OAuth tokens along with other features like admin panel integration into existing websites so they don’t need any additional setup beforehand either.”

Back-end tools to be aware of

  • Server: A server is the computer where you store your data. It’s like a big box of pencils, paper, and pens that you can use to write on when you’re at school.
  • Database: The database stores all of your information in one place so that it’s easy for someone else to access it later on. For example, if there was only one pencil left in the classroom and everyone else had used all their pencils up but me, I could go home and then come back with another set when we had more time (or maybe even right now). That would be called “accessing” because what happens next is accessing my original set of data again after having changed it by writing new things down or taking away parts from older ones.”

Back-end language skills to hone

  • PHP: a server-side programming language that’s commonly used in web applications.
  • Python: an interpreted, high-level interpreted programming language used for rapid development. It has a large and growing standard library (called the “pythonic” library), as well as great documentation and a thriving community of contributors.
  • Java: used to create dynamic websites and mobile apps with Java technology that can be run on both desktops and laptops. It’s one of the most popular programming languages in use today because it’s extremely flexible yet easy to learn; however, it also requires extensive knowledge about object-oriented design principles before beginning work with this language.* C#: Microsoft’s .NET Framework offers developers tools for creating Windows 8 applications using C# or Visual Basic 2015 syntaxes under Visual Studio 2015 Professional edition or above respectively.* C++*: A general purpose programming language designed primarily for application development rather than desktop or mobile app development but which can still be used effectively when building those kinds of projects too!

Steps to becoming a back-end developer

  • Learn to code.
  • Learn the basics of a back-end language like Python or Ruby on Rails.
  • Get experience with a server-side programming language, such as PHP or Java.
  • Get experience with a framework that can be used to build web apps from scratch (e.g., Django) or extend existing applications (e.g., Laravel). These frameworks will help you create robust and scalable websites by taking care of some common tasks like database migrations and security integration while allowing designers and developers to focus on what they do best: building great products!


Back-end development is a critical aspect of any web application. It can be daunting for developers who are new to it, but if you keep these tips in mind and learn from others, you’ll find that it doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might think!