“Would you like to master front-end development? Join us as we explore the best practices and tools that will help you become a master of your craft.”
Welcome to the first blog in the #Get Expert series! We’ll discuss how to master front-end development in this blog.
What does this mean, exactly? It means that if you’re working in a code base where most of the developers are too busy trying to make sure their apps work on all devices from phones to tablets and desktops, then it’s likely that the people who do know what they’re doing are going to be rare birds. If you want to contribute effectively and efficiently—and not just by writing code—then understanding front-end development is essential for any good developer worth their salt!
First, master HTML and CSS.
First, master HTML and CSS. These are the building blocks of your web pages. They define their structure, content, and appearance.
HTML is a markup language that describes the content of a webpage (elements like or ). It also describes how those elements should be displayed on screen—for example: “The text inside this paragraph should be bold” or “This paragraph should be underlined with blue color with yellow font size 12px”.”
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets; it’s a styling language that defines how elements look like in their final rendered form (different fonts sizes etc.).
Gain an understanding of Javascript.
A programming language used in browsers is called JavaScript. It can be used to create interactive web pages, which respond to user input. Javascript is also used for AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) requests and calls, which are more efficient than making full page reloads when you change something on your website.
Discover the differences between front-end and back-end development.
Front-end development is the part of a website that users see first, like the home page or search results. Back-end development refers to the back end operations that run your website: databases and servers.
Front-end developers typically use HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript to create interactive interfaces for browsers. Back end developers use PHP/MySQL/Apache web server programming languages such as PHP and MySQL on top of Linux operating systems like Ubuntu Linux Server 12.04 LTS which allow them to write code in C++ or Java instead of HTML5 with JavaScript libraries such as jQuery for working with DOM elements within documents on websites like Facebook or Google+.
Learn about frameworks.
Frameworks are a collection of code that can be used to help developers create websites. They’re especially useful for front-end development because they provide tools and conventions for building apps, instead of just relying on the developer’s own creativity.
Frameworks help speed up your development time by providing conventions and tools like bootstrapping (which helps you generate your app), modularity (whereby components are grouped into groups called “libraries” based on their functionality),ng-app directive for creating HTML templates in AngularJS, reactjs create components with ReactJS by simply adding them to any existing DOM element or creating new ones from scratch using JSX syntax which is converted into plain JavaScript objects when deployed onto servers using Webpack integration along with Babel transpiler which converts ES6/7 code into readable JavaScript while being compatible with older browsers
Familiarize yourself with JQuery and Ajax.
JQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies the process of writing JavaScript code. It can be used to add interactivity to your web pages and make them more dynamic, but you’ll need to learn how it works before you can use it effectively. Ajax is another technique that allows you to request data from a server without refreshing the page (or making any other kind of HTTP request). Ajax has many advantages over regular HTTP requests—it lets you load data asynchronously and therefore doesn’t block other requests from happening on your site—but learning about both these technologies will help when creating front-end applications in general, not just those based on jQuery or AngularJS!
Know where to look for answers.
To get the most out of your experience as a front end developer, you should know where to look for answers. The following are some of the top resources:
- Online forums and communities
- Stack Overflow
Don’t neglect documentation.
Documentation is a crucial part of your career as a front end developer. It helps you learn, it helps others learn and it can help you find bugs in your code. In addition to this, documentation also serves as an excellent way to organize your thoughts on various subjects.
Let’s take a look at some examples:
- If you have written an article about how to use React Native, then include screenshots from the app and links back to where they can be found online (i.e., StackOverflow). That way users know exactly what they should do when trying out this new framework for themselves!
- If there is something specific about React Native that makes it unique compared with other frameworks like Angular or Vue (or even older technologies like Backbone), make sure everyone knows about it too!
Make sure you understand Semantic HTML and CSS.
Semantic HTML is the art of writing HTML that communicates meaning. The goal of semantic markup is to avoid having to use CSS selectors and attributes in order to style your page, which can be time-consuming and confusing for beginners.
For example, what if you wanted to change the color of a paragraph? You might write something like this:
Hello World“`
In this example we’re changing all paragraphs with class=”red” content by changing their background color from white (RGB 0 255 255) to red (RGB 255 0 0). While this works fine when working alone on one page or blog post, it would be difficult if you had 10 different pages with similar stylesheets all requiring these changes! Instead we could use an easier method such as just tagging individual paragraphs using their IDs as shown below:
Work on your soft skills.
You may have heard the saying, “soft skills are the most important skill you can have.” This is because soft skills are not just about being a nice person or being able to communicate perfectly with everyone on your team. Soft skills are also about problem solving and working well with others, which will help you learn more quickly and efficiently than if you had only technical expertise in front end development.
Soft skills are harder to learn than hard ones because they require more practice and feedback from others who can tell whether or not your work ethic is strong enough for the position at hand. If someone tells me they think I don’t have any soft skills then I’m going to take their comments seriously because it means they disagree with my opinion on what makes someone successful in their career—which means there’s no reason why either one of us should continue working together!
Learning all you can about front end development will give you solid ground to build a career on.
Learning all you can about front end development will give you solid ground to build a career on. You’ll be able to:
- Build websites and apps, which are great ways to make money!
- Work with a team, communicating with clients and other members of the development team.
- Use your skills as an expert in one field of web development (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) while still learning new technologies like React JS or Node JS in order to stay current with technology trends.
In conclusion, we’d like to say that learning as much as you can about front end development is a great way to start your new career. It will help you build skills that are important in today’s job market, and it gives you a solid foundation on which to build your professional career. If this article has inspired someone else (or if it was helpful for yourself) then please share!