The use of agile software development processes has been rapidly increasing for both commercial software and for non-commercial or open-source software development.
This article will list some of the most popular projects that use agile software development processes for development.
What is Agile Workflow?
Agile software development is a term for a group of software development methods that use iterative and incremental development. Agile processes are designed to allow the quick, flexible and efficient adaptation of plans, products and processes to meet changing customer needs, market conditions and technological innovations.
The Agile Methodologies have been around since the late 1990s but they have only recently become more popular in the workplace. The most popular Agile Methodologies are Scrum, Kanban, Lean Software Development, Extreme Programming (XP), Crystal Methods and Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM).
Agile Methodologies are characterized by small development teams, iterative, incremental approaches to software development and a focus on shipping new features frequently.
There is no definitive list of Agile Methodology but the most popular ones are Scrum, Kanban and Lean Software Development. Many software projects today have adopted Agile Methodologies while traditional Waterfall development is still commonplace in large-scale applications like web browsers.
Why is Agile preferred over traditional project management?
1. Project difficulty – The greatest technique to use while working on large projects is this one. In contrast to simple projects, which typically only have one stage, complex projects may have several interrelated phases. Each phase may also be reliant on numerous other phases. Agile project management techniques are therefore preferred for large and complex projects.
2. Transparency – Every decision and strategy are openly disclosed in agile project management. Everybody is engaged in making choices and modifications, including the product owner, team members, and clients. With the help of an agile approach, team members may comprehensively assess the status of their work and come to wise conclusions after designing, evaluating, and testing a product.
3. Flexibility – This methodology’s flexibility is quite high because it is not linear. A modification in one stage of a complex project may have an impact on other phases that are associated with it. In these situations, project managers may take calculated risks since there is a high likelihood of adaptation.
4. The potential for adjustments and feedback – This strategy has a high acceptance rate for criticism and change. The method is extremely adaptable and offers continuous feedback, which can assist produce a better result within the predetermined project delivery period.
5. Customer Contentment – A key component of the agile framework is the customer. By taking their comments after each iteration, it places greater emphasis on exceeding consumer expectations. Work is continuously given to end customers in an agile environment. They may then provide their insightful ideas and motivate the agile team to act appropriately upon the comments.
Agile development is becoming more and more well-known as businesses experience success with it. Numerous businesses and organizations have discovered that using an agile methodology enables them to provide products with higher quality and more frequency than before. This is a useful thing to have in the fast-paced environment we live in today.
At first, this could seem a little perplexing if you’re not experienced with agile software development. However, if you get how projects are created using agile software development methodologies, you’ll know why we’re so enthusiastic about it—it’s incredible!